Ceruledge is a new Pokémon in Pokémon Violet. Since Violet didn’t release until November, this marks the second Halloween in a row for which my nephew has dressed as a character from an as-yet unreleased video game.
Ceruledge is a new Pokémon in Pokémon Violet. Since Violet didn’t release until November, this marks the second Halloween in a row for which my nephew has dressed as a character from an as-yet unreleased video game. Most of the armor is foam sheets. The swords are foam core so they would nice and light for him to carry.
P.E.K.K.A. Halloween costume
My niece as a P.E.K.K.A. from the video game Clash of Clans. The costume is make almost entirely out of craft foam and hot glue burns.
Entbrat Halloween costume
This is an Entbrat from a video game called My Singing Monsters.
This is an Entbrat from a video game called My Singing Monsters.
The headpiece is made of foam core and bristol board, with horns sculpted from crumpled newspaper wrapped in masking tape. The whole thing is covered in felt. Lips, tongue, and teeth are made of craft foam colored with marker. The feet are craft foam covered with felt and the rest of the costume is just store-bought shirt and pants with felt leaves glued on and a belly button drawn on.
Dark Washbuckler Halloween Costume
Sam is very into Skylanders games and he wanted to be Dark Washbuckler for Halloween, who is a kind of octopus pirate.
Sam is very into Skylanders games and he wanted to be Dark Washbuckler for Halloween, who is a kind of octopus pirate.
I started the costume with black sweatpants and a black shirt and trimmed them with silver. The six extra legs are sewn to an elastic waistband. The hat, belt buckle, mustache, and suckers on the tentacles are made of fun foam. The ladder logos on the hat and belt buckle are because Washbuckler is a climbing type. Sam insisted that there be two on the belt buckle. I’m not sure why. They have LEDs inside to help with trick-or-treating visibility.