Shadowcaster Cake

My nephew wanted the final boss from the video game Shadows Over Loathing for his birthday cake. We think it’s called the Shadowcaster. It’s a floating mouth and eyes that appear to be a portal to an abysmal dimension of insanity. And it’s drawn in a stick figure style because that’s the aesthetic of the game.

I made infinity mirrors in the shape of the eyes and mouth with twinkle LEDs. The back of the eyes are rice krispie treats. The back of the mouth is chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream icing and an outer coating of black dark chocolate ganache. The lips, teeth, irises, and eyelids are white modeling chocolate. The black lines are fondant.

Inside the cake is a baggie of fresh raspberry sauce connected to a tube that ran out between the bottom front teeth, so the mouth could drip blood onto your piece of cake. It was a fun effect, but then the tube clogged up, so next time I’ll want to use a bigger tube.

After we cut the cake, we played around with the LEDs, which also had lots of other fun colors and modes of flashing.


Cats Pillows